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Cavebabies Gallery Transcript
Season 6 Episode 28b
Cavebabies Title Card (HQ)
Original Airdate February 28, 2000
DVD release Season 6
Complete Series
Previous Episode Chuckie's New Shirt
Next Episode Incredible Shrinking Babies

"Cavebabies" is a Season 6 episode of Rugrats.

Characters Present[]


The Rugrats are eating spinach together at the table, but Angelica hates spinach and decides to have Reptar cookies instead. Didi tells her that cookies aren't for dinner. She then hides the cookie jar in the garage and locks it while Angelica is eating her spinach. After Didi has hidden the cookie jar from Angelica, Angelica has threatened the Rugrats with her starvation if they don't find the cookies in time. Their mission becomes a prehistoric fantasy, where the Rugrats, now "cavebabies", find Dil (Diggle), the "Wise Cave Baby", so he can point them in the direction of the cookie jar, or "Cookiesaurus". However, as greedy and selfish as she is, as soon as the toddlers retrieve the cookie jar, Angelica goes back on her promise of a cookie for each of them and keeps all the cookies for herself. She starts eating them until she is caught red-handed with her hand in the cookie jar. Eventually, Angelica is busted by her Aunt Didi for eating cookies behind her back. As a result, Didi makes her niece eat the rest of her spinach for her disobedience before she can have any more cookies.


  • The Cavebabies' names are:
  • In the imagination, Chuckie's hairstyle is different.
  • Grandpa Lou's name in the fantasy is Gruggle Lug.
  • Morals: Always eat your vegetables. 
    • Don't be greedy or selfish.
    • Going back on your promises will eventually come back to bite you in the end.
    • Actions have consequences.