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Let Them Eat Cake Gallery Transcript
Season 2 Episode 19b
Let Them Eat Cake
Original Airdate February 7, 1993
DVD release Season 2
Previous Episode Down the Drain
Next Episode The Seven Voyages of Cynthia

Let Them Eat Cake is the 36th episode belonging to season 2 of the Rugrats TV series

Characters Present


The Pickles attend a wedding at a multiplex wedding mall, where several weddings take place at once. (Though all Tommy wants is the wedding cake.) Meanwhile, Ben, Didi's half brother, can't find his bride, Elaine. Has she run away from the ceremony? - Description from Klasky Csupo


While attending Didi's brother's, Ben, wedding, Tommy wears tuxedos and Chuckie wears tuxedos are more interested in getting to eat the cake that awaits them after the ceremony. While searching for the cake, the babies inadvertently learn that both the groom and the bride have cold feet. Angelica wears pink gown.


  • The early episode title was called "The Wedding."
  • There are several different types of wedding ceremonies visible in this episode. This includes a traditional Jewish ceremony, and an unconventional hippie or new age ceremony in which a marrying spiritual couple wear pyramids on their heads, hold a pyramid in their hand, and are to partake in a meal of "thirteen-grain granola."
  • This is the first episode in which we meet Uncle Ben and Aunt Elaine. Drew describes Ben as his "little brother's wife's half-brother," so either Boris or Minka (Didi's parents) had a child from another relationship.
  • The title is based on Marie Antoinette's famous "Let them eat Cake" quote.
  • Nickelodeon originally wanted Ben to call Stu by his first name, not "Mr. Pickles," but the line remained.
  • Nickelodeon had qualms about the wedding cake because it was intact after going under a table, but in the final script, it remained intact.
  • The original script for "Let Them Eat Cake' was also to have revealed Boris & Minka's last name. In the original script, it was "Krapopkin," but it was later dropped.
  • Nickelodeon wanted Minka & Boris' "mother tongue" to sound genuine.
  • This is the third time where Tommy is seen wearing shoes